Magic World Publishers

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Behind the Scenes with the Mediums
by David Abbott

A fascinating book that delves into the world of bogus spirit mediums. You almost have to admire their audacity and the subtle methods they employed to fleece the public. More...

Close-Up Time with Don Alan
by Don Alan

Commercial, close-up magic to delight your audiences, from the fertile genius of Don Alan. More...

Don Alan's Bowl Routine
by Don Alan

Just as Don presented it on TV. The move is so good you'll fool yourself! More...

Don Alan's Rubber Circus
by Don Alan

Learn to create balloon animals to give-away as a promotion, or to sell for added income. More...

Pretty Sneaky by Don Alan
by Don Alan

Chicago's top close-up performer, bar magician, and TV personality reveals more of his favorite close-up effects in this swell book. More...

A Message from the Sky
by Howard P. Albright

Here is a brilliant method for psychic entertainers to provide a most amazing, personal Zodiac reading that will leave your audience breathless. It seems incredible that you are able to divine so much information! More...

Forbidden Wisdom
by Howard P. Albright

Albright reveals a variety of pseudo-fortune telling methods for magicians and psychic entertainers to delight their after-party clients with. More...

The Practical Psychic's 5-Minute Card Reading System
by Howard P. Albright

Add a second income stream by giving fortune-telling readings for your clients after the show. We know of no easier way than to use the quick system explained in this handbook. More...

Super-Psychic Mental Effects
by Howard P. Albright

If you've always wanted to perform convincing psychic miracles, but didn't know where to start, we highly recommend this collection of mental effects that will have your audience believing that you can read their thoughts! More...

Three Publicity Trix
by Howard P. Albright

As a thank you for supporting Magic World Publishers, we are pleased to offer a FREE PDF digital manuscript, containing three top-notch gems of mystery by Howard P. Albright. Good tricks in themselves, yet they also get you free advertising each time you perform them. More...

With Two Decks
by Howard P. Albright

Three miraculous card effects from the author of A Message from the Sky, each using a pair of different-colored decks. These are audience-tested effects that will leave the spectators talking, long after the performance ends. More...

Dr. Q's Want Ad Test
by Alexander

Here's a stage mentalism feat that borders on genuine clairvoyance. You, too, can be "The Man Who Knows!" More...

The Do-It-Yourself Book
by Ken Allen

A book clearly ahead of its time, here are more than 20 classic and timeless effects, tips, and ideas for dealer-quality magic that you can create at home. More...

Pilfered Patter 1.5
by Ken Allen

Those who know comedy recommend Ken Allen's Pilfered Patter as the book to get! Contains loads of comic monologues, one- and two-liners, gags, jokes and funny stories to intersperse during or between effects in your routine. More...

by Ken Allen

Make your own magic tricks, props and utility items with the great ideas to be found in this jam-packed book. More...

The Close-Up Magician
by Bert Allerton & Robert Parrish

An outstanding book that reveals the best effects of a top professional in the field of close-up magic. More...

It Must Be Mindreading
by George B. Anderson

One of the greatest mentalism books ever published. Every effect is practical for today's audiences and working conditions. More...

Last Train to Spookville
by Andrade and McCarron

A four-act spirit seance in a box! A bell placed in a wooden cabinet rings out answers to questions. A handkerchief takes on life and moves about the cabinet, even flying outside! A pair of slates reveals an answer to a thought-of question. For a finale, spirit writing appears on three sheets of paper in a fruit jar, placed inside the cabinet in plain sight. The spirits describe the results of psychic tests and also provide a description of one of the audience committee! More...

16 Thumb Tie Gems
by Max Andrews

Play this as comedy, a genuine escape, or part of a dark séance. It's one of the only magic or escape routines that fits all three categories. More...

The Comedy Magic of Val Andrews
by Val Andrews

Val's reputation for first-rate comedy is evident here, as is some great, entertaining magic that will get you bookings and repeat dates. More...

The Miser's Miracle
by Jerry Andrus

A brilliant close-up miracle with playing cards and coins. Dai Vernon raves: "Entertaining and bewildering." More...

202 Methods of Forcing
by Theo Annemann

The most complete treatise on forcing for cards, numbers, colors, books, words, letters, etc., ever assembled. A must-have book for every magician and mentalist. more...

Annemann's Buried Treasures
by Theo Annemann

A dandy compilation featuring a dozen of Annemann's most devious creations, including both magic and mentalism. More...

Annemann's Complete One-Man Mental and Psychic Routine
by Theo Annemann

A half-hour act of modern mentalism or use it as a sensational interlude for your present act. More...

Annemann's Full Deck of Impromptu Card Tricks
by Theo Annemann

A choice collection of 55 impromptu card tricks by outstanding performers such as Dai Vernon, Al Baker, Jean Hugard, Bob Hummer, and others. More...

Annemann's Mental Bargain Effects
by Theo Annemann

Eleven clever psychic demonstrations by the brilliant mentalist whose effects set the gold standard, even to this day. More...

Annemann's Mental Mysteries
by Theo Annemann

No matter if your specialty is magic or psychic entertainment (or a combination of both, like Annemann), you're sure to find something you like in this hard-to-find quintet. More...

Annemann's Miracles of Card Magic
by Theo Annemann

Contains 60 headline card effects and suggestions from the repertoires of outstanding performers. Illustrated by Nelson Hahne. More...

Annemann's Test of the Tiber : Complete
by Theo Annemann

Annemann's sensational mentalism miracle book test, in a new, revised and expanded edition! more...

The Book Without A Name
by Theo Annemann

25 mental and card effects without sleights, manipulative skill or apparatus—just the genius of Annemann. more...

En Rapport
by Theo Annemann

An entertaining two-person mind reading act for parties, night clubs, or stage. More...

Sh-h-h! It's A Secret
by Theo Annemann

Contains 40 brilliant pseudo-psychic demonstrations that will have your audience convinced that you truly can read minds! More...

The Incorporated Strange Secrets
by Theo Annemann

Thirteen of Annemann's stunning psychic and magic effects, ten of which were previously only available as separate dealer effects. More...

Mysteries of the Seance
by Anonymous

The "tell-all" book that reveals the innermost secrets of "office" and seance mediums! You'll learn the secrets of "Blood writing," creating ghostly apparitions, spirit slate writing, seance exhibitions, ballot tests, and many, many other pseudo-mediumistic stunts. more...

Perfecto One-Man Psychic Act
by Anonymous

Now you can perform a sealed message reading act, just like you've seen professional psychics do! All without the use of paid accomplices of any kind. Not just one, but TWO complete presentations are explained. More...

Within the Dark Circle
by Anonymous & B. W. McCarron

Host your own (pseudo) séance with this classic work on trumpet mediumship and spirit circle methods. More...

How To Develop an Alarm Clock Mind
by Harry Arons

Now you can be like Jack Reacher, with an innate ability to wake yourself at a time of your choosing, as long as you "set" your internal clock before falling asleep. What an amazing ability! More...

How To Make Money with Hypnotism
by Harry Arons

Learn how to make a career from your interest in hypnotism in this fascinating book, written by a master hypnotist. More...

The Seven Best Techniques for Deepening Hypnosis
By Harry Arons

Advanced techniques to deepen the somnabulic stage of a hypnotized subject from a master of the genre. More...

The Spirit Is Willing
by James Auer

A complete, fully routined act of mental magic for you to present. Patter and opening lecture included, too! More...

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