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Slyib's Joke Vault

Animal Jokes

Animals are amazing creatures. Some can be domesticated, and have served us for centuries. Others, to this day, remain wild and powerful and can be observed only in zoos or in the wild. Some, like dogs, are man's best friends. Others, such as cats, accept us only on their terms. And then there are the mythical creatures, such as the unicorn, that are possessed of great power and beauty. Let's face it: animals make us feel good about ourselves.

And what could be better than if these very animals that we've come to know and love can provide added enjoyment by being the subject of a great joke -- or two -- or several?


- Slyib
  1. Talking Dog For Sale

  2. A Horse Walks Into A Bar

  3. The Young Turtle

  4. Three Little Unicorns

  5. The Bear and the Rabbit

  6. The Snail

  7. The Job Applicant

  8. The Chess Player

  9. A Second Opinion

  10. The Old Lady and the Parrot

  11. Reggie's Elephant

  12. Bear Repellant

  13. Billionaire Visits the Zoo

  14. The Accident

Slyib's Joke Vault -- your home for the world's best jokes!
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