Miscellaneous Titles
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Sideshow and Animal Tricks
by Hereward Carrington
Step right up, folks! See Jo-Jo the Dog-Faced Boy, the Wild Man of Borneo, the Fire-Breathing Man, and that's just for starters! Learn the inner secrets of the sideshow including fire walking, animal training, ventriloquism, special stage effects, and ... More...

Street Faker Act
by Tommy Windsor
Here's a great change of pace routine for the magician -- an act that parodies the medicine pitchman. Audiences love it . . . you will, too! More...

Suitcase Side Show
by Tommy Windsor
Here's an immensely entertaining CARNIVAL PITCH ACT that uses effects you most likely already own. Yes, a NEW act, complete with patter, that will get you more bookings! More...

Supermarket Magic
by Tommy Windsor
Make big money performing at stores, malls and shopping centers with a one-man magic show! More...

by Robert A. Nelson
Never again be caught without something to perform! Present an impromptu demonstration of Super Power Memory. Do it any time, any place! A terrific publicity stunt! This is the "real deal," allowing you to memorize cards in a borrowed shuffled deck, remember a list of 100 random items, serial numbers on several bills offered by spectators, recall names of strangers you meet at parties and other functions. More...

Thayer's Great Handcuff Escape Act
by William W. Larsen, Sr.
Whether for TV, club, stage, or casino, here's an entertaining, fast-paced escape act that'll be a hit with your audience. more...

Your Break in Show Business
by Show Talent Enterprises
Veteran performers of stage and TV reveal all in this must-have guide book for anyone who wants to enter the exciting world of entertainment. Whether aspire to play night clubs, large theaters, Las Vegas, TV or appear in films ... More...

Your Personal Solar Zodiac Chart Pitch Book Kit
by Magic World Publishers
Sell this pitch book and give private horoscope readings to clients after your performances to double your performance income! It's all included in this easy-to-use system! More...
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