Your Break in Show Business
by Show Talent Enterprises You could be the next big star in films, on the stage, or television! Veteran performers of stage and TV reveal all in this must-have guide book for anyone who wants to enter the exciting world of entertainment. Whether your goal is to appear on a televised talent contest, play theaters, Las Vegas, TV or appear in films, this book contains time-tested advice and vocal exercises to get you on your way, just as if you'd hired your own personal coach to prepare you for the "big time." This informative book also reveals proper microphone technique, how to minimize stage fright and pre-show jitters, the art of bowing to control and graciously accept applause and much, much more. Partial contents:
No matter if you're a current or aspiring actor, comic, magician, public speaker, emcee or anyone who enjoys being in front of an audience, you're sure to find valuable advice and professional wisdom here.
Not one in a thousand will reach their potential — don't let it be you! Make that all-important first step by investing in yourself today ... and hitch your wagon to the stars tomorrow! Magic World revised edition features scores of updates and two brand new chapters. Worth its weight in gold to anyone considering a professional performing career.
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