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Midway Magic by Don Boles

Midway Magic
by Don Boles

The definitive "How-To" book for anyone considering a career as a magician, mentalist, or specialty act in the outdoor field of fairs, sideshows, circuses and carnivals. More...

Miracle Cube Root Extraction by Robert A. Nelson & B. W. McCarron

Miracle Cube Root Extraction
(Nelson & McCarron)

Incredible! This inside secret lets you instantly compute the square root of a number spoken by a spectator. More...

Money-Making Secrets for Magicians by U. F. Grant

Money-Making Secrets for Magicians
by U. F. Grant

A valuable collection of inside information for magicians and other variety artists, revealing how to get more money from your existing act and even make a living from it. More...

More Lessons in Scripture by Rev. Donald E. Bodley

More Lessons in Scripture
by Rev. Donald E. Bodley

A powerful follow-up to Rev. Bodley's first book, with explanations of tricks and original scripture stories. The introductory chapter alone is a must for all who do Magic. More...

Mystery of the Gyrating Tables by Robert A. Nelson

Mystery of the Gyrating Tables
by Robert A. Nelson

Bob Nelson reveals his famous "Mystery of the Gyrating Tables" presentation, complete with opening lecture. Using ordinary, unprepared tables and no apparatus whatsoever, the tables tip, teeter, wobble and gyrate around the room or stage in the craziest fashion. No stooges or confederates are employed at any time. . .More...

Numerology for Everybody by Montrose

Numerology for Everybody
by Montrose

Discover the fascinating subject of Numerology and see what your personal numbers reveal about you! With no special equipment or training, the student can use the methods revealed in this handbook to ... More...

Palm Reading for Magicians by William W. Larsen, Sr.

Palm Reading for Magicians
by William W. Larsen

This psychological reading allows most anyone to present a convincing demonstration of Palmistry, even if they've never read palms before. More...

The Pitchman's Svengali Routine by Eddie St. John

The Pitchman's Svengali Routine
By Eddie St. John

Make money at magic shows, fairs, carnivals, or simply entertain your audience with this scripted, easy to perform routine. More...

Tommy Windsor's Presto Press Book (revised edition)

Presto Press Book
by Tommy Windsor

The smart magician's guide to advertising and promotion, with over a hundred ways to advertise and get more dates! More...

ROLON - Tom Palmer's Great Magic Table Plans

ROLON - Tom Palmer's Great Magic Table (Plans)
by Tom Palmer

Build yourself this clever roll-on table that converts from a rolling suitcase to a roll-on magic table in less than 60 seconds! More...

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