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I'm Not Afraid by Mackenzie Gant and B. W. McCarron

I'm Not Afraid
by Mackenzie Gant & B. W. McCarron

If you suffer from performance anxiety or stage fright (and Kellar, Thurston, Houdini, and many prominent present-day performers have had to deal with it, too), this could be the best purchase you'll ever make. More...

I've Got Your Number by Paul Lindner

I've Got Your Number
by Paul Lindner

An exciting master memory, mental, or publicity stunt that leaves a lasting impression on the spectator. More...

Kara's Book of Mystery by Paul Kara (Kara the Great)

Kara's Book of Mystery
by Paul Kara (Kara the Great)

Add to your library with this authentic reproduction of the pitch book sold from the stage shows of this legendary mentalist who wowed audiences from theater stages across the country in the 1920s. More...

KING KOKO by Prof. Hoffmann

King Koko
by Professor Hoffmann

Your audiences will love this amusing farce about a colorful King, his beautiful daughter, her fairy godmother, and the two suitors that are trying to win her hand in marriage. Along the way, 20 magical illusions are performed that add to the enchanting tale.

The effects are taught in Hoffmann's clear, concise style with 27 illustrations. More...

The Krahma System by B.W. McCarron

The Krahma System
by B. W. McCarron

Unlike most other fortune telling systems with playing cards, readings using this system are quick and snappy. The card layout is streamlined, yet the subject will be satisfied she received her money's worth since the outcome of the reading is dependent on her feelings and conscience. The reader will like it, too, since ... More...
Lessons in Scripture by Rev. Donald E. Bodley

Lessons in Scripture
by Rev. Donald E. Bodley

Perhaps the greatest collection of ideas, tricks, and scripture stories illustrated with magic yet published. More...

Magic Miracles You Can Do by Magic World Publishers

Magic Miracles You Can Do Pitch Book Publishing Kit
by Magic World Publishers

Here's a beautiful, camera-ready 24-page master of easy-to-do, entertaining magic stunts for you to sell at your performances and on your website, with YOUR NAME on the front cover as author! More...

The Magical Pitchman by William W. Larsen, Sr. & B. W. McCarron

The Magical Pitchman
by William W. Larsen, Sr. & B. W. McCarron

Add variety and comedy to any act with this hilarious presentation, based on the infamous medicine pitch of yesteryear. More...

Manual of Show Stunts by Hamilton Floyd

Manual of Show Stunts
by Hamilton Floyd

Now you can learn show stunts such as juggling and acrobatics to break the ice at parties and gatherings, as a career, to build self-esteem, or strictly for fun. This is the handbook to get you started! More...

Mar-Jah's Publicity Miracles by Joe Ovette

Mar-Jah's Publicity Miracles
by Joe Ovette

WARNING: This book will get you noticed. If you want to live in anonymity and obscurity, this is NOT the book for you.

This book is crammed of publicity-generating mentalism, magic and illusions to present to reporters and the general public to generate attention, publicity, and create a "buzz." Includes contributions from Mar-Jah, Ovette, Chandra, the Zancigs, B.W. McCarron and more...

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