Fool the Experts
by U. F. Grant
Get four excellent card routines that will not only fool your audience, but most well-versed magicians, too! A $45 value. More...
For Card Men Only
by Al Leech
18 fast, clean and startling card miracles that any audience will love. Raves from those who know. More...
Fortune Telling with Cards Pitch Book Kit
by Magic World Publishers
This package enables you to become an instant author, with full reprint rights for print copies of the "Secrets of the Zingari" book on fortune telling with cards. Charge as little or as much per copy as you want ... More...
Fortune Telling with Playing Cards
by David J. Lustig
Be the life of the party. Delve into the past, present and future. All you need is this book and a deck of cards! More...
Further Thought on Cards
by J. Stewart Smith
Previously released in a small limited edition pressing, this title is one that truly belongs in every card magician's library. More...
Gamblers' Tricks with Cards by J.H. Green
Scores of street scams, swindles, and card table ruses are explained in this 163 page book, guaranteed to separate a sucker from his money. More...
Ghostly Seconds by Vynn Boyar
An entirely new and revolutionary method for performing the second deal! More... |
Grant's Brilliant Card Magic
by Robert J. Smith
More than 65 of U. F. Grant's ingenious card effects, moves and routines that will earn a reputation for you. And no difficult sleights! More... |
Greater Card Tricks
by Eddie Joseph
Perhaps the greatest collection of originalities in moves, sleights and tricks with cards ever published. More...
Heart Throb by Eddie Joseph
An unbelievable, reputation-making, no-sleight card effect that's impromptu and can be performed with a borrowed deck! More... |