![]() by Christopher Charles
Whether for TV, stage, casino floor show (night club), or lodge shows, Without Mirrors contains an excellent assortment of material to choose from to make you the center of attention. Memorize two or three of the one-liners and you'll also be prepared to deliver an apparently ad-lib, off the cuff remark, just as the late-night TV hosts do. While you don't have a team of comedy writers like the top stars do, reading this book will give you a leg up on the competition. Even if you do a straight magic act, add one or two items from this collection and watch the spectators sit up and take notice. Now you can leave 'em laughing -- and get those all-important repeat dates because of your abilities as a true entertainer. The material is arranged into several sections:
Revised and updated edition includes new choice material that you'll want to add to your act immediately.
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