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Stretching A Rope by Milbourne ChristopherStretching A Rope
by Milbourne Christopher

What a fantastic effect, from the audience's standpoint. The performer exhibits a three foot length of rope and mysteriously begins to S-T-R-E-T-C-H it to an unbelievable 20 feet!

Completely revised, these greatly enlarged instructions include BOTH of Milbourne Christopher's exclusive methods for stretching a rope to many times its original length.

No hidden reels, magnets, or special rope needed. Regular, soft cotton magician's rope works fine for this.

Will be a show-stopper in your act. Also makes a terrific introduction to a cut and restored or ring-on-rope routine.

Are you a Nelson collector? This title was listed as No. 1021 in the Nelson Enterprises catalog.

"Imagine taking an examined rope and, without a switch, visibly and deliberately making it at least ten times longer. It's astounding and it's easy." (Tom Bowyer in the Linking Ring)

"Very effective in either parlor or platform shows." (John Mulholland)

Revised edition includes a new chapter plus clarifications and updates.

This book is offered in both digital and print editions.
(A) Get the digital edition from, or

(B) Get the print edition from House of Mystery Books.


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