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Nick's Table Tricks by Nick TrostNick's Table Tricks
by Nick Trost

A choice collection of close-up gems from the fertile mind of Nick Trost, plus a bonus effect!

These effects are fun to perform and entertaining to watch. And, like most of Nick's material, they rely on subtlety rather than difficult sleight of hand.

And, added to this revised edition, you also get a bonus trick with playing cards that you're sure to enjoy. Contents:

CARD IN CASE — A chosen card pops up from the deck which is held in the spectator's hands.

NICK'S PERFECTED CARD PREDICTION — You predict the exact number of cards to be freely dealt.

LOST AND FOUND — A miracle in which you find a card freely chosen and then buried in the deck.

TRIO CUT — A utility move that keeps the deck intact but looks like real card shuffling. This is especially good for mental magic effects to throw off any suspicion of using a prearranged deck.

MATCHES TO MONEY — A neat transposition between a boxful of matches and a dollar bill.

RING AND ROPE ROUTINE — A bewildering series of effects with a finger ring and a rope.

THREE DECKS, ONE CASE — Believe it or not, you take THREE decks of cards out of ONE case! First a red deck, then a blue, and finally, a rainbow deck!

THIRTEENTH CARD — A selected marked card leaves the spectator's packet and appears in your hands.

NICK'S ANYONE CARD CONTROL — A simple but effective control of a chosen card that anyone can use.

Bonus: ROYAL ASSEMBLY— Without looking at their faces, four cards are selected from a shuffled red deck. Next, four blue cards are selected from a blue-backed deck. When the cards are turned over, they are all Kings!

From the Introduction by T. A. Whitney: "In this booklet, Trost's mysteries rely on a variety of common materials: rope, a ring, paper money, a matchbox… and of course, a deck of playing cards. All in all, it's a splendid assortment that your audiences will enjoy seeing you perform at the close-up table."

Magic World revised and updated edition includes additional chapters and illustrations.

This book is offered in both digital and print editions.
(A) Get the digital edition from, or

(B) Get the print edition from House of Mystery Books.



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