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Improved Mother Goose Mystery by B. W. McCarron (Improved) Mother Goose Mystery
by B. W. McCarron,
Bob Hummer, and
Martin Gardner

Available again is this miraculous book test, now improved and better than ever!

Any spectator selects a page and a word in a book of Mother Goose Rhymes. The selection is governed by pure chance.

No page flip ruse, long and short or all-alike pages, or other mechanical means. There's no duplication of stories and yes, the book can be examined before and after, as there is nothing to find.

Yet you still infallibly predict the word chosen.

This stunning mental effect is so logical that other performers may accuse you of using a stooge -- until you invite them to partake in the test!

The effect may be immediately repeated with a different word correctly predicted by the performer!

"A swell prediction effect." (Max Holden)

"The book is not faked or doctored. Yet the prediction comes TRUE, and then you REPEAT!" (Carl S. Lohrey)

"Ingenius!" (Mitch Kanter)

"Widely acclaimed as one of the finest book tests to date." (George Armstrong)

"The nice part is you can immediately repeat it with the same person and still fool 'em!" (Sid Lorraine)

Magic World revised edition features one major--and three minor--improvements over the Martin Gardner-Bob Hummer version. The original is long out of print and fetches high prices on the used market (one sold recently for over a hundred dollars). Now you can get this new, improved version for far less money.

Comes complete with handsomely printed book of Mother Goose Rhymes, instructions and routine.

Click to purchase or get more information about this titleBuy this title from our friends at House of Mystery Books.


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