Magic That Perks!
by Harry E. Cecil
When an internationally-known magical funnyman writes a book with his pals, you just know the result will perk you up!
And that's what you'll get with "Magic That Perks" - great magic with comedy patter that your audiences will love.
Cecil, a vice-president of the International Brotherhood of Magicians, provides gems from his own act in the first part of the book. The second section contains great magic from his friends and fellow IBM alums involving cards, coins, rope, and more. Here's a look at what's inside:
"Magic That Perks is highly recommended by those who have been privileged to examine the contents in manuscript form."
"A swell book. Just read it the third time and discovered several good effects which will be in my program in the future."
(B) Get the print edition from House of Mystery Books. |
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