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Impromptu Mentalism by Robert A. NelsonImpromptu Mentalism
by Robert A. Nelson

Here's a stunning ten-minute routine for the magician to use as an encore at the end of his or her regular act. The performer demonstrates with devastating correctness that he can read the collective minds of several spectators.

In a very informal and impromptu style, the magician offers to read the minds of the spectators. He asks the audience to THINK of a question, name, relationship, number, color, etc. They are asked only to THINK these thoughts.

Without further ado, the performer proceeds to call spectators by name, telling them of the exact thoughts in their minds at the moment, answering questions, revealing what a spectator had for breakfast that morning, the amount of change in their pocket, etc.

The basic procedure has baffled thousands of people. It will stagger your imagination when we honestly advise you that there are no plants or confederates; the magician works alone on the stage, and without any assistance whatsoever from anyone in the audience. The thoughts, names, numbers, etc. that are revealed are the actual ones held in the minds of the audience.

Presented impromptu-style at the end of the performer's act. A sensational impact on your audience. Requires only a few minutes of advance preparation. Complete full routine, lecture, and suggestions.

Noted magic author and Linking Ring columnist J. G. Thompson, Jr. says:
"This routine was designed for use by magicians--not as part of their regular act, but as an encore. Called back by applause, the performer suggests a feat of mindreading and then, without further ado, proceeds to 'get' a number of thoughts from various members of the audience. It all appears very fair and could create a tremendous effect."

SPECIAL BONUS: Includes a brand new section on how to build the necessary gimmick to perform the effect, if you do not already own it.

Are you a Nelson collector? This book was listed as No. 169 in the Nelson Enterprises catalog.

Magic World revised edition includes significant new content and new illustrations.

This book is offered in both digital and print editions.
(A) Get the digital edition from, or

(B) Get the print edition from House of Mystery Books.


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