How to Control Fair Dice
by the K. C. Card Co.
Here's the highly sought-after inside scoop on manipulating fair dice to come up with a desired point total. The same confidential information as sold by crooked gambling supply houses in the early to mid-1900s.
Advertised as the most complete work of its kind ever published, it contains the real work for magicians, gambling lecturers, casino training and law enforcement.
Each shot is fully described and, where necessary, line drawings help explain the moves.
The combined effort of several players, this volume was originally sold for the equivalent of $50.00 in order to keep it out of the hands of the general public.
In addition to this exposé, information is given covering a number of proposition bets--any one of which is liable to score wherever tried.
If you've ever thought of giving a gambling lecture, or simply want to protect yourself from a dice mechanic in a so-called "friendly game," then this material is worth its weight in gold to you.
PARTIAL CONTENTS: New Maxim Shot - Kick-Off Shot - Hudson Shot - Pique or Peekay - Indian Dice Shot - Soft or Pad Roll - Controlling Dice When Hitting a Board - The Number of Ways Two Dice Can Be Thrown - Actual Crap Percentage - Loaded Dice - Proposition Bets - True Odds vs. Bank Odds - and more!
"Explains various ways of obtaining results without the use of Filled or Loaded dice. It is not necessary to change dice in a game after you become proficient with any one of the methods described." (H. C. Evans Co.)
Revised edition of the circa 1922 K. C. Card Co. booklet. Edited by B.W. McCarron.
(B) Get the print edition from House of Mystery Books. |
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