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Holden's Magic Catalog Number 17 (1955) 1955 Holden's Magic Catalog 17
By Holden's Magic Shop

Max and Tess Holden established their magic mail order business in 1929. Through the years, the business grew to three locations (Boston, Philadelphia and New York City). The Max Holden catalog grew to hundreds of pages, offering merchandise from their own line of magic and books, as well as those of prominent manufacturers such as Petrie-Lewis, Thayer and many others.

Arranged by subject, the effects include spirit effects, close-up magic, mentalism, livestock effects, books, blueprints, tricks with cards, money, cigarettes, liquids, candles, silks, slates, thimbles, and many others.

By 1955, Holden's had consolidated to a single shop, operating out of Boston. The catalog includes a three page introduction and retrospective of their business that makes for interesting reading.

No matter if you're a collector, historian, inventor or simply a lover of magic, this big, historical catalog reprint will appeal to all. PDF format, bookmarked by subject. 245 pages. ($10 US)

1955 Holden's Magic Catalog 17 is available for purchase at

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