![]() by David Robbins
Cash in on interest in ESP and mind power with this 15 minute lecture and 30 minute demonstration that YOU can give!
The author has presented this lecture many times with great success. It is both educational and entertaining and will be enjoyed by most any audience from teens to active seniors.
At the conclusion of the lecture, a demonstration of ESP (or is it?) follows. Audience participation is encouraged. Any magician or mentalist can perform the lecture. It can be read straight from a printed copy, performed from memory, or better yet, given as a PowerPoint presentation.
Use this lecture to build interest for your psychic or mental magic business. Or simply present it to civic organizations, colleges, high schools and other groups as "edutainment."
Be the first in your area to advertise and present this fascinating lecture-demonstration. complete with lecture and suggested ESP effects.
PDF format. Updated edition of the first undated private edition. Includes three new chapters with new material not included in the original edition. Every word has been set in crystal clear, digital type. ($6 US)
ESP: Fact or Fiction is available for purchase at Lybrary.com. |
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