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Cut the Cards by Martin GardnerCut the Cards
by Martin Gardner

The audience-tested effects range from no-skill puzzlers to outstanding mysteries that require rudimentary sleights. Nelson Hahne's clear illustrations help make everything clear.

Here's what's included:

  • A Close Fit - Some of you will win bar bets with this impossible-appearing optical illusion.

  • The Unconfused Joker - The Joker helps locate the spectator's card, though the audience thinks its impossible.

  • Double Vanish and Recovery - A beautiful effect by Ed Marl where two cards vanish by rubbing their faces together. They are then located in a novel manner.

  • Naming the Card Cut - State that you'll name the card below where a spectator cuts the face-down deck. The card cut to is always face up!

  • Use Your Head - The spectator's selected card appears on your forehead.

  • The Surprised Gambler - A rapid gambling expose' with a surprise finish.

  • Paper Clip Discovery - Three selected cards end up paper clipped together. Bob Hummer contributed with Gardner on this one.

  • Vanish and Spell - After a selected card mysteriously vanishes from the pack, the spectator finds it by dealing and spelling.

  • Deck Through Handkerchief - A selected card penetrates a handkerchief. Next, the entire deck penetrates the hanky, leaving a second selected card behind.

  • The Swizzle Stick Cipher - A good effect with a modern day security theme. A coded message reveals itself as the chosen card.

  • A New False Cut - A pretty flourish used by Johnny Thompson and Nate Leipzig is turned into a false cut.

  • A Miracle--Maybe - A Joe Berg solution to an effect where a selected card matches a previously marked one.

  • Tack-It - Johnny Paul's fabulous card on the wall effect where the signed card penetrates the card box and magically tacks itself to the wall when the card box is thrown at it. A great publicity effect.

  • For the Man in Uniform - A patriotic card revelation. Includes alternate ending for stag parties or bar mitzvahs.

  • A Curious Card Vanish - A card vanishes beneath a handkerchief and appears reversed in the middle of the deck.

  • X-Ray Touch - The magician cuts the deck and names the face down card cut to. A borrowed deck can be used. No daubs or marks.

  • Bonus Effect: A Face to Face Routine - An improvement on a Tenkai effect where the deck is cut into two halves, one half reversed and placed face to face with the other. The deck turns magically rights itself. Next , a previously chosen effect is found reversed in the deck!

"Seldom is a book published which contains so many novel and usable effects. Here are tricks you will soon see in many acts for they are superb." -- Sphinx Magazine review

Revised edition includes a new chapter and three added illustrations.

This book is offered in both digital and print editions.
(A) Get the digital edition from, or

(B) Get the print edition from House of Mystery Books.


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