![]() by Frank M. Chapman
Now you can get all 24 issues of this seminal magic and mentalism journal in a single, bound edition!
Yes, you read that right. This special edition contains the complete press run of this fascinating publication, containing more than 100 effects, tips and secrets with which you can baffle most any audience.
Now reissued in this handsome, enlarged and expanded edition, with important extras to make it even more of a "must have" item for any magician's working library.
This expanded edition now includes a complete master trick index at the back of the book, plus a complete table of contents for all 24 issues, making it easier than ever to find (or highlight) your favorite effects.
Sadly out of print for many years, Chap's Scrapbook was the favorite monthly magic journal for many of the great names in magic. Take a look at what these noted magicians had to say:
"Want to do the card in pocketbook with a borrowed wallet? 'Chap's Scrapbook' will tell you how. You'll also learn how to hold the lighted end of a cigarette without injury and a cute prediction item with a book of matches. Great stuff for the close-up worker." (William Larsen, Sr.)
"[At the PCAM convention] Frank Chapman did his 'Watch in the Loaf' routine from Chap's Scrapbook and showed the boys he works it just the way he wrote it up. Very funny, too. I think I'll use it!" (Bob Weill)
Format: Physical book, comb bound to lay flat when opened.
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