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Balloon Side Show by U. F. Grant, Tommy Windsor, T. A. Whitney and others

Balloon Side Show
by U. F. Grant, Tommy Windsor, T. A. Whitney and others

A nice collection of routines, tips, and suggestions for those interested in making animal figures with balloons, or for magical effects with balloons for their act. More...
The Bally Prediction by William A. Stevenson
The Bally Prediction
by Wm. A. Stevenson

Now you can correctly predict the outcome of any event that takes place in the future! Best of all, you can do it without elaborate locked chests, bulky apparatus, secret assistants or chemicals. A strictly one-man method that works every time. More...

Gems of Mental Magic by John Brown Cook and Arthur Buckley

Bartender Dice Routine
by Clarke 'Senator' Crandall

A complete manual of dice stacking and manipulation, written especially for use by magicians. More...
Be Deceived by Louis Lam

Be Deceived
by Louis Lam

A baker's dozen tested and proven card, mental, and audience participation effects are described in this gem of a book. Card magic that is different! More...

Beer Bottle Bafflers by Carl Haist and T. A. Whitney

Beer Bottle Bafflers
by Carl Haist & T. A. Whitney

25 tricks, tips and routines designed for the Nielsen, Weller, or other rubber vanishing/appearing bottle. More...

Behind the Scenes with the Mediums by David Abbott

Behind the Scenes with the Mediums
by David Abbott

A fascinating book that delves into the world of bogus spirit mediums. You almost have to admire their audacity and the subtle methods they employed to fleece the public. More...

Behind the Scenes with the Night Club Magician by Elray (Revised Edition)

Behind the Scenes with the Night Club Magician
by Elray

Break into the world of table-hopping, banquet, restaurant and casino floor show magic with this insider's handbook. More...

The Berland Book of Routines by Sam Berland

The Berland Book of Routines
by Sam Berland

Take your magic to the next level by incorporating one or more of Berland's beautifully choreographed routines into your act. 147 illustrations. More...

Berland's Bill Tear Secrets by Sam Berland

Berland's Bill Tear Secrets
by Sam Berland

Perhaps the best torn and restored bill effect the magical world has ever seen. Get this! More...

Berland's Blue Ribbon Card Tricks by Samuel Berland

Berland's Blue Ribbon Card Tricks
by Samuel Berland

Top performers including Bob Hummer, Dai Vernon, Arthur Buckley and Dr. Harlan Tarbell reveal their favorite card effects. Twenty-five complete card miracles and moves with over 100 illustrations! More...

Best Tricks with Invisible Thread by U. F. Grant & T. A. Whitney

Best Tricks with Invisible Thread
By U. F. Grant & T. A. Whitney

This booklet contains 26 outstanding tricks, tips and secrets enabling you to perform some of the most baffling effects in all of magic. More...

Between the Acts
by Jimmy Ray

A top-flight pro reveals nearly two dozen of his favorite effects and routines. Commercial magic at its best! More...

The Blacks by Robert A. Nelson : A Master Secret of the Professional Psychic

The Blacks
by Robert A. Nelson

A master secret of the professional psychic that previously sold for the equivalent of $185.00 in today's money! More...

Blindfold Message Reading by Robert A. Nelson & B. W. McCarron

Blindfold Message Reading
by Robert A. Nelson & B. W. McCarron

Arguably the most convincing -- and simple -- means of performing a sealed billet reading act. More...

The Blue Bug (revised edition) by Sid Fleischman & Bob Gunther

The Blue Bug
by Sid Fleischman and Bob Gunther

A collection of excellent magic with cigarette papers, as used by Doug Henning and others. Well illustrated. More...

The Bold and Subtle Miracles of Dr. Faust by David Hoy

The Bold and Subtle Miracles of Dr. Faust
by David Hoy

Bold, dynamic, reputation-making mentalism that will leave audiences gasping. Hoy's famous Tossed-Out Deck and the Hoy Book Test are just two of the nine effects described. More...
Bombay by Eddie Joseph

by Eddie Joseph

Perhaps the world's most stunning card mystery! More...
The Book Without A Name by Theo Annemann

The Book Without A Name
by Theo Annemann

25 mental and card effects without sleights, manipulative skill or apparatus—just the genius of Annemann. more...
Booking Magic by Dick and Virginia Williams (revised edition)

Booking Magic
By Dick and Virginia Williams

Can you keep your act booked the whole year round without the expense of hiring an agent? The answer, according to these working pros, is a resounding yes! More...

by Ed Stoddard

A book test, using any book. A spectator chooses a word and you name it instantly. Perform it anywhere! More...

Bull's-Eye Coin Tricks by L. L. Ireland & Ed Marlo

Bull's-Eye Coin Tricks
by L. L. Ireland & Ed Marlo

Sleight of hand experts Marlo and Ireland team up to present this fine book of magic with coins. More...

The Bunco Book by Walter B. Gibson

The Bunco Book
by Walter B. Gibson

May well be the greatest expose' of gambling methods, swindles, confidence games and carnival midway hustles ever published. More...

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