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Booking Magic by Dick and Virginia Williams (revised edition) Booking Magic
by Dick and Virginia Williams

Can you keep your act booked the whole year round without the expense of hiring an agent? The answer is a resounding yes!

Dick and Virginia Williams worked TV, clubs and corporate shows, plus banquets and hotels. And they kept busy! Yet, they handled the publicity, promotion and booking of their act themselves, without the need for an advance man or agent.

Their methods are revealed in this easy-to-follow manuscript. If you can read and follow directions, then you can do it, too.

In any other profession, Dick and Virginia would have kept their secrets to themselves. Yet, because their system kept them as busy as they wanted, there was no reason why they shouldn't allow others to capitalize on their plan. So they decided to reveal all within the pages of Booking Magic.

It's all here, from how to compile your list of potential clients, making the first contact, the in-person meeting, booking the date, signing the contract, and follow-up ideas to ensure your client continues to think of you after the show.

The "gold" in this plan is the actual contract, successfully used by Dick and Virginia, to book their show. The language and format won't scare your client, yet it serves its purpose and looks professional. You can even use it as a template on your computer, so you won't even need a secretary!

As B. W. McCarron says in the Foreword: "It's always good to study from those who have blazed the trail before you. Learn from Dick and Virginia's successes and you, too, can keep busy doing what you love ... and make a good living at it, too."

Here's what some magic experts have said about Booking Magic:

"Excellent advice. Should help you with your selling and booking problems, for it is a capsulated course in this phase of the magic business." (John Braun)

"How can the part-time performer get bookings? Here's how, and don't thank me -- thank the Williamses! A grand item." (Lloyd E. Jones)

"The Williams' operating procedure is simple and sound. Follow their advice and you'll be quick to see an increase in your annual income from conjuring." (Milbourne Christopher)

Revised and updated edition includes two new chapters.

This book is offered in both digital and print editions.
(A) Get the digital edition from, or

(B) Get the print edition from House of Mystery Books.


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