
What happened today in history?
Blamepro's Almanac

December 14

What happened on the day you were born?

In the headlines today:
2012Twenty elementary school children and six adults are killed by a lone gunman in Newtown, Connecticut.
2011Comic book artist Joe Simon (Captain America co-creator), dies at age 98.
2008US President George W. Bush has a pair of shoes thrown at him by an Iraqi journalist during a Baghdad news conference. (The shoes missed their intended target.)
2004France's Millau Viaduct -- the world's tallest bridge -- officially opens.
1998Actor Norman Fell (Three's Company) dies of cancer at age 74.
1993Actress Myrna Loy dies at age 88.
1991476 people die when the ferry boat Salem Express sinks in the Red Sea.
1989Movie actor Jock Mahoney (Dallas, Tarzan) dies at age 70.
1989Andrei D. Sakharov, author and Nobel laureate, dies in Moscow, at age 68.
1986The experimental aircraft Voyager, piloted by Dick Rutan and Jeana Yeager, takes flight from Edwards Air Force Base (CA) on the first non-stop, self-contained flight around the world.
1985NY Yankees great Roger Maris dies of cancer at age 51.
1981Israel annexes the Golan Heights, seized from Syria in 1967.
1980Fans around the world pay their respects to former Beatle John Lennon, six days after he was assassinated in New York City.
1970George Harrison, lead guitarist for The Beatles, receives a gold record for his 45-rpm solo single, My Sweet Lord.
1967Southern Yemen (formerly Aden) joins the United Nations.
1961The United Republic of Tanzania is admitted to the United Nations.
1955Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Ceylon, Finland, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Jordan, Laos, Libya, Nepal, Portugal, Romania, Spain, and Sri Lanka all join the United Nations.
1946The United Nations General Assembly votes to establish UN headquarters in New York.
1939The Soviet Union is expelled from the League of Nations.
1934Turkish women are given the right to vote.
1911Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen and his expedition of four companions, are the first to reach the South Pole and return safely.
1861Prince Albert, husband of England's Queen Victoria, dies in London.
1819Alabama becomes the 22nd state of the US.

George Washington
 First US president George Washington dies at age 66.
 (photo credit: NARA)


Born today:

1988  Vanessa Hudgens - singer, actress

1975  Tom DeLonge - rock singer-guitarist (Blink 182)

1967  Noelle Beck - actress (Loving)

1964  Cynthia Gibb - actress

1964  Chelsea Noble - actress (Growing Pains)

1958  Mike Scott - rock guitarist, singer (The Waterboys)

1954  Alan Kulwicki - NASCAR racer

1949  Dee Wallace Stone - actress (10, ET)

1949  Cliff Williams - rock bassist (AC/DC)

1946  Patty Duke Astin - actress

1946  Joyce Vincent Wilson - singer (Tony Orlando and Dawn)

1943  Frank Allen - singer (The Searchers)

1942  Dave Clark - singer (The Dave Clark Five)

1935  Lee Remick - actress

1932  Charlie Rich - singer

1914  Morey Amsterdam - actor, comedian

1911  Spike Jones - composer

1901  Paul I - King of Greece (1947-64)

1896  Jimmy Doolittle - USAF General (led US bombing raids on Japan in WWII)

1546  Tycho Brahe - astronomer

1503  Nostradamus - astrologer



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